Thursday, August 5, 2010

This & that . . .

Wow, I really stink at blogging. Maybe because I spend all day in front of the computer . . .no, that’s a stupid excuse. Because as soon as we sit to relax and start watching TV at night all I want to do is play Plants vs. Zombies. So I guess I’ll blame it on the Zombies.

Anyway, we’ve had a busy summer – I can’t believe it’s almost over! Not that summers mean a much now that I’m not in school (woo-hoo!) and work full time (argh). But still, kind of sad to see time go by so quickly. At least we have a weekend in Hawaii to look forward to in just 5 weeks!!

In June we finally had our housewarming party. We combined it with my graduation party to justify taking a year to finally do it. It was fun to have everyone over to show off all of our hard work and our cute house. We bought WAY WAY WAY too much food, and I ran around like a madwoman most of the time, bouncing from guest to guest – often stopping mid-conversation with one person to start one up with someone else. But I think everyone had fun. Here’s a few before & after pictures to show off:

Living Room Before:


Living Room Before:


Alcove Before:

They used this area as the dining room, and the dining room (right off the kitchen) as a sitting area. Weirdos. I hit my head on that stupid lamp way too many times!


Dining Room Before:


Kitchen Before:


Woo! Big change!

Front Bedroom Before:


Middle Bedroom Before:


Master Bedroom Before:

Ugh, every room in this house was SO DARK, but the master was the worst.


Master Bath Before:


One thing I noticed from these pictures – we have way too much stuff!! I love looking at renovation pictures online, they always look so clean & neat! But these just look messy. Argh. Of course, if you think that’s bad you DO NOT want to see the garage. Speaking of the garage, I had a fantastic “sister’s weekend” with Andria & Gina right after my graduation. And by fantastic I mean they were fantastic helpers! I put them to pulling EVERYTHING out of the garage and then re-organizing it to give us room to walk! Nice, relaxing vacation, huh girls? At least I took them to get massages after we finished . . . and made them pay for themselves. Aren’t I the BEST sister EVER?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic Fever

I'm totally digging the Olympics this year. It's actually been a while since I sat and watched them every night. I think it hjelps that we have a DVR and can skip through all the commercials and stupid commentary. What I'm not digging is that even though they're pre-taped they start them so late and don't start the good stuff until the very end of the night. So I've been staying up way too late every night to see the results of my favorite events, like snowboarding.

Tonight I was super excited for the men's ice skating finals, but we were determined to go to bed early for once. Imagine my disappointed when they didn't even start the coverage until after 10! Of course, it's already kinda been spoiled for me, since I got on the internet and somebody had to point out to me the headline on the MSN homepage announcing the winner. So much for the suspense and holding my breath during the jumps!

Oh well, I can still watch it tomorrow and enjoy all the crazy outfits and flamboyant behavior from Johnny Weir - Love Him!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This morning I went to CSULB to pick up my diploma! I gotta say, it feels pretty darn good to have this official document telling me I'm DONE!

And the best part . . .

I graduated in time to have it signed by The Governator!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


One of those nights where my brain won't shut up long enough for me to fall asleep. And it's not like I'm thinking about anything important, like a paper I have to write ('cause I'm done with that!) or all the work I have to do tomorrow (which isn't really that much - last week was hell week). Nope, I'm laying in bed annoyed by the beef stew I messed up tonight and what I should have done differently and how I really don't want to have the leftovers for dinner tomorrow but that's what we're stuck with since we didn't buy anything else at the grocery store yesterday because we were too short-sighted to think past tonight's dinner and besides, chicken breasts weren't on sale and I don't like buying salmon until at most two days before we're going to use it and is this Michael Jackson tribute on the Grammy's supposed to be in 3-D? Sorry, got side-tracked there for a sec. Anyway, it's not like I took a nap today wich is usually reason for not sleeping on Sunday nights. Of course, I didn't really do much of anything besides getting the beef stew going in the crock pot. Oh yeah, there's Beyonce rockin' the 3-D glasses. Guess I missed the memo. Hey it's Prince and Paris and they're talking!

Friday, January 29, 2010

You can call me Master

It's official - I completed my MBA! I got an email a few days ago letting me know that my degree has been posted to my transcript, and today there was another email letting me know I could pick up my diploma! Woo-hoo! Can't wait to display that beauty in my cubicle so's everybody can see how smart I am! And I think I'm most excited for seeing Schwarzenegger's signature on it, even if it is just a stamp!